Submission Guidelines
• Single space, using one font only (serif) and one color only (black).
• Left align (do not right justify).
• Please make sure that all tracked changes or other revision marks have been accepted as final (no hidden text, comments, etc.).
• No “soft returns” or forced line breaks.
• No underlines, in urls or anywhere else. For emphasis please use italics.
• Do not use automatic hyphenation.
•Do not apply styles. Default (“normal”) should be the only style in your document.
• Block quotes should be formatted using the indent feature.
• Do not use tables for text body layout.
• Single space between period and start of next sentence.
• Remove hyperlinks and all other formatting from text and footnotes.
• Do not use tabs, forced line breaks, or any styles in text or footnotes.
• If your document contains images, please supply us with the most high-resolution images available. 300 dpi is ideal for print. Images pulled from websites do not print well.
• Images will be printed in grayscale. Please be aware of this when using charts that depend on color for their interpretation.
• If your work has an index, please type it in one long column, single-spaced, with no tabs or any style applied, and in this format: subject comma page. ex: Lincoln, Abraham, 36, 165-6
• We cannot accept documents with equations inserted using Word’s Equation Editor; our layout program deletes them. Please make equations part of the text flow, and format them in Times New Roman or Minion Pro.
For more information contact Pierre Mollier at [email protected] or Daniel Gutierrez at [email protected]
• Left align (do not right justify).
• Please make sure that all tracked changes or other revision marks have been accepted as final (no hidden text, comments, etc.).
• No “soft returns” or forced line breaks.
• No underlines, in urls or anywhere else. For emphasis please use italics.
• Do not use automatic hyphenation.
•Do not apply styles. Default (“normal”) should be the only style in your document.
• Block quotes should be formatted using the indent feature.
• Do not use tables for text body layout.
• Single space between period and start of next sentence.
• Remove hyperlinks and all other formatting from text and footnotes.
• Do not use tabs, forced line breaks, or any styles in text or footnotes.
• If your document contains images, please supply us with the most high-resolution images available. 300 dpi is ideal for print. Images pulled from websites do not print well.
• Images will be printed in grayscale. Please be aware of this when using charts that depend on color for their interpretation.
• If your work has an index, please type it in one long column, single-spaced, with no tabs or any style applied, and in this format: subject comma page. ex: Lincoln, Abraham, 36, 165-6
• We cannot accept documents with equations inserted using Word’s Equation Editor; our layout program deletes them. Please make equations part of the text flow, and format them in Times New Roman or Minion Pro.
For more information contact Pierre Mollier at [email protected] or Daniel Gutierrez at [email protected]